Coddiwomple Careers
Coddiwomple: To travel purposely toward a vague destination. Through Coddiwomple Careers, we’re illuminating students’ paths on the journey to their careers, specifically careers in public health.
We believe in the power of education to change lives, and the power of public health to transform communities. Which is why we are passionate about helping students understand how they can impact the world by studying public health. We’re also driven to increase the diversity of public health professionals because we believe a more representative public heath workforce will lead to improved health outcomes around the world.
Coddiwomple Careers provides an extracurricular program for high school students and a camp for middle school students. These programs, which are offered free-of-charge to students, specifically target students who have been historically marginalized, are from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, are growing up in rural areas, identify as LGBTQIA+, or otherwise represent the diversity of the United States.